Thermal Baths Rimske Toplice

Rimske Toplice is located in the shelter of two hills: Stražnik (655 m) and Kopitnik (914 m). The valley of Rimske Toplice is surrounded by forest hillsides of the surrounding hills providing shelter from wind and excessive heat. The valley is rich in vegetation of exotic plants from all the continents of the world. This is the home of the world renowned sequoia trees, Canadian hemlock, Thujopsis dolabrata, cypress, yew tree, Californian cedar tree … Rimske Toplice is an old healing place with a population of about 1000 people (including the hamlets). It is 17 km away from Celje. A road and Celje-Zidani most railroad pass through Rimske Toplice. Originally Rimske Toplice was named Šmarjeta (village by the St. Margaret’s Church), whereas a part of the settlement was also called Ogece.

Accommodation in Rimske Terme and the use of the thera- peutic programmes based on the unique healing properties of the local thermal water is primarily recommended for people who are being treated for:

•Chronic and acute pain in the joints
•Back problems
•Respiratory diseases
•Nervous system disorders
•Recovering from injuries

Rimske Toplice

General information

Min. altitude: 195 m
Max. altitude: 239 m


Direct bus from railway station
Direct shuttle from railway station
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